Getting Started with Supervised Machine Learning in Python

Date To Be Confirm
FREE 3 Days Training
George Town, Penang
This programme is fully subsidized by Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC) under the MD Workforce Training Programme

Learn supervised machine learning with Python and Scikit-learn, and take your data skills to the next level!

Supervised machine learning is a powerful technique for solving complex problems in various domains such as healthcare, finance, and marketing. In this 3-day fully subsidized workshop, participants will gain a solid understanding of the fundamentals of supervised learning using Python and popular libraries like Scikit-learn.

The workshop will cover essential topics such as data preprocessing, model selection and evaluation, and prediction. Through hands-on exercises and a mini-project, participants will have the opportunity to apply the concepts learned in real-world scenarios. By the end of the workshop, participants will have the skills and knowledge necessary to build and deploy a supervised learning model from scratch.

Upskill Today


Dive into the core of supervised machine learning with our comprehensive syllabus, meticulously crafted to equip you with in-demand skills and cutting-edge knowledge.
This workshop covers essential topics such as data preprocessing, model selection and evaluation, and prediction, ensuring a deep understanding of supervised learning techniques using Python and Scikit-learn. Here's what you'll learn

Explore our Syallabus

Day 1
Date TBC
‍9am - 5pm

Foundations and Feature Engineering

Introduction to Machine Learning
Understand the fundamentals of machine learning, explore its various applications across different domains, and grasp the key concepts that underpin this powerful technology.

Feature Engineering
Learn the crucial process of selecting, transforming, and encoding features to enhance the performance of your machine learning models, and understand how to prepare data effectively for training.

Day 2
Date TBC
9am - 5pm

Mastering Classification and Model Evaluation

Supervised Learning: Classification
Introduction to classification algorithms and their implementation using the Scikit-learn library, providing you with the tools to build effective predictive models.

Evaluating Classification Models
Learn to evaluate classification models using various metrics and techniques, ensuring you can accurately assess the performance and reliability of your machine learning solutions.

Day 3
Date TBC
9am - 5pm

Regression and Practical Application

Supervised Learning: Regression
Introduction to regression algorithms and their implementation using the Scikit-learn library, equipping you with the skills to handle continuous data prediction tasks.

Evaluating Regression Models
Learn to evaluate regression models using various metrics and techniques, ensuring you can effectively assess and improve model performance.

Mini-Project and Wrap-up
Apply the concepts learned throughout the workshop in a hands-on mini-project, reinforcing your knowledge and skills, followed by a wrap-up session to review key takeaways and next steps.

Why Participate

Unlock Opportunities in the World of Supervised Machine Learning and Data Science

Master the Fundamentals of Supervised Learning

Participants will delve into the basic principles of supervised learning, gaining a comprehensive understanding of how this powerful technique can be applied to solve real-world problems.

Data Preparation and Feature Engineering

Participants will learn essential preprocessing techniques such as cleaning, transforming, and normalizing data. Additionally, they will explore the process of feature selection and engineering, which is vital for enhancing the performance and accuracy of machine learning models.

Model Selection and Evaluation

Gain practical experience in selecting, building, training, and evaluating supervised learning models using Python, making accurate predictions, and assessing performance on new data.

The Venue

Learn at Forward College, where we stand at the forefront of the digital revolution, pioneering technological and futuristic skills education in Malaysia. Our commitment to fostering digital aptitude extends not only to fresh high school graduates but also to working professionals, businesses, and brands.

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Forward College
2, Lebuh Acheh,
10300 George Town, Penang

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MDEC x Forward College

This program is fully subsidized by Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC), powered by Forward College.

It aims to equip fresh graduates and professionals with essential knowledge and skills in supervised machine learning. Participants will gain hands-on experience using Python and Scikit-learn, preparing them to excel in the dynamic and ever-evolving world of data science and machine learning.

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Apply Now

Application is now OPEN. Seats are limited.

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Got Questions? We've Got Answers. If you have any further questions,
please email us at

What is this program about?
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This MD Workforce training program is initiated by the Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC), powered by Forward College. It aims to equip fresh graduates and professionals with essential knowledge and skills in supervised machine learning. Participants will gain hands-on experience using Python and Scikit-learn, preparing them to excel in the dynamic and ever-evolving world of data science and machine learning.

Is this program entirely free?
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Yes, this program is FULLY SUBSIDIZED by MDEC as part of the MD Workforce Training initiative. This is initiative is to encourage the workforce in Malaysia to position themselves for success in the digital tech job market by acquiring digital skills that are in high demand.

What is the criteria to be accepted into the program?
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Basic Knowledge of Python
Participants should have a foundational understanding of Python programming, including familiarity with basic syntax and data structures.

Interest in Machine Learning
Individuals should have a keen interest in machine learning and a desire to learn how to apply supervised learning techniques to solve real-world problems.

Educational Background
A background in fields such as computer science, data science, engineering, mathematics, or related disciplines is beneficial but not mandatory.

Analytical Skills
Participants should possess strong analytical and problem-solving skills to effectively engage with the course material and practical exercises.

Access to a Laptop Computer
Each participant must have access to a laptop computer with the ability to install Python and relevant libraries, as hands-on exercises and projects are a key component of the training.

Commitment to Learning
A commitment to actively participate in the full duration of the 2-day workshop, including attending all sessions and completing assignments, is essential for gaining the most from this program.

What is the commitment of this program if accepted?
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You will need to commit to a 3 full-days training program. Training dates to be confirm.

Why should I apply?
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Besides receiving a Certificate of Completion from Forward College, endorsed by the Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC), here are some advantages of enrolling into the program:

Gain In-Demand Skills
Acquire essential knowledge and practical skills in supervised machine learning, a highly sought-after expertise in today's data-driven world. This workshop provides a strong foundation in using Python and Scikit-learn to build and evaluate predictive models.

Hands-On Experience
Engage in hands-on exercises and a mini-project that allow you to apply theoretical concepts to real-world scenarios. By the end of the workshop, you'll have practical experience that you can showcase in your professional portfolio.Career Advancement
Equip yourself with cutting-edge machine learning techniques that can open doors to new career opportunities in various industries, including healthcare, finance, marketing, and technology. This training will enhance your resume and make you a more competitive candidate in the job market.

Expert Guidance
Learn from experienced instructors who provide personalized feedback and support throughout the workshop. Benefit from their expertise and insights, which can help you overcome challenges and deepen your understanding of machine learning.
Certification of Completion
Receive a certificate upon completing the workshop, validating your newly acquired skills and knowledge. This certification can be a valuable addition to your professional credentials.

Will I get a job after the training programme?
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While this training program does not guarantee a job, it serves as a valuable kickstarter for your journey into AI and machine learning, equipping you with the foundational skills and knowledge to pursue further opportunities in the field.

This programme is made possible by Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC) under the MD Workforce Training Programme

Learn supervised machine learning with Python, and take your data skills to the next level.

Limited seats available. Join our free 3-day workshop by applying now.